What does lipstick on the face mean?嘴唇上有唇膏意味着什么?


Lipstick on the face means that you are wearing too much makeup.

Lipstick on the face means that someone has been eating something very greasy or oily like french fries or donuts. Its also used as an expression of disgust at someone who looks unkempt or unsightly.

Lipstick on the face means that you have applied too much lipstick to your lips making them look oversaturated or unnatural. It can also be used figuratively to describe an over-the-top situation or behavior.

The phrase lipstick on the pig refers to something that looks good on the surface but has serious underlying issues underneath. Its often used as an expression of disbelief or skepticism when someone tries to cover up their problems with glamourous superficial things like makeup or fancy clothes.

Lipstick on the face means that you are attractive or desirable to someone.
Translation 在脸上有口红意味著你很吸引人或有人对你有好感。

Lipstick on the face means that someone has been eating chocolate ice cream with their hands. 翻译:有人用双手吃巧克力冰淇淋,结果弄脏了脸

Lipstick on the face means that you are attractive and desirable to others. It can also be used as an expression of confidence or self-expression.

Hmmm… Its like if you put lipstick on someone elses face without their permission or knowledge.

Lipstick on the face means that youre wearing too much makeup or have been overapplied it to your face. It can also be used as an idiom meaning that something is very obvious or easy to see.
